SB Game 20, Sep. 14, 24

Challengers 0200010333
Barracudas 336714x24216
W: Mccutcheon, A. L: Heimgartner, K.

Mccutcheon pitching

- AMMETER Tamara safe at second on error by shortstop Ines Dübendorfer on a 1-2 count.
- TAN Isabelle struck out swinging on a 2-2 count.
- LUTZ-DEMETZ Carmen grounded into fielder's choice to shortstop on a 2-1 count, AMMETER Tamara out, shortstop to third.
- ZURSCHMITTEN Simone struck out swinging on a 1-2 count.

0 Runs, 0 Hits, 1 Error, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 0, Zürich Barracudas 0


Heimgartner pitching

- BRÄNDLI Andrea walked on a 3-0 count.
- FISCHER Jody walked on a 3-1 count, BRÄNDLI Andrea to second.
- JAMEYSON Mariah hit ground rule double down the left field line on the first pitch, BRÄNDLI Andrea scored, FISCHER Jody to third.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige singled up the middle on the first pitch, FISCHER Jody scored, JAMEYSON Mariah scored.
- DÜBENDORFER Ines fouled out to catcher on an 0-1 count.
- MATHIS Amy hit sacrifice bunt, safe at first on error by third baseman Marianne Martina Aellen on the first pitch, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige to third, MATHIS Amy to second.
- LUTZ Riona grounded out on bunt attempt, third to first on the first pitch.
- PERISSET Chiara flied out to second on a 2-2 count.

3 Runs, 1 Hit, 1 Error, 2 LOB
Zürich Challengers 0, Zürich Barracudas 3


Mccutcheon pitching

- MÜLLER Lara struck out swinging on a 1-2 count.
- MULLENS Molly struck out swinging on a 1-2 count.
- ZGRAGGEN Anna safe at first on error by first baseman Solana Lutz on a full count.
- MICHEL Anouchka walked on a full count, ZGRAGGEN Anna to second.
- ZGRAGGEN Anna safe at third on Amy Mathis passed ball (Count: 2-1), MICHEL Anouchka to second.
- ZGRAGGEN Anna scored on error by catcher Amy Mathis (Count: 2-1), MICHEL Anouchka to third (Count: 2-1).
- AELLEN Marianne Martina safe at first on error by first baseman Solana Lutz on a full count, MICHEL Anouchka scored.
- AELLEN Marianne Martina safe at second on Amy Mathis passed ball (Count: 1-0).
- AMMETER Tamara flied out to left on a 1-0 count.

2 Runs, 0 Hits, 3 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 3


Heimgartner pitching

- PERISSET Anja flied out to center on a 1-2 count.
- BRÄNDLI Andrea popped out to shortstop on a 2-1 count.
- FISCHER Jody hit bunt single to catcher on the first pitch.
- FISCHER Jody stole third (Count: 1-0).
- JAMEYSON Mariah hit ground rule double to right center field on a 1-0 count, FISCHER Jody scored.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige doubled to left center field on an 0-2 count, JAMEYSON Mariah scored.
- DÜBENDORFER Ines singled to left center field on the first pitch, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige scored.
- MATHIS Amy flied out to shortstop on a 1-2 count.

3 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 6


Mccutcheon pitching

- TAN Isabelle doubled to left center field on a 1-0 count.
- LUTZ-DEMETZ Carmen flied out to pitcher on the first pitch.
- ZURSCHMITTEN Simone struck out swinging on an 0-2 count.
- MÜLLER Lara struck out swinging on an 0-2 count.

0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 6


Heimgartner pitching

- LUTZ Riona struck out looking on a 2-2 count.
- PERISSET Chiara fouled out to left on the first pitch.
- PERISSET Anja singled to third on the first pitch.
- BRÄNDLI Andrea walked on a 3-0 count, PERISSET Anja to second.
- (ZURSCHMITTEN Simone in center.)

Ammeter pitching

- (MÜLLER Lara in right.)
- FISCHER Jody walked on a 3-0 count, BRÄNDLI Andrea to second, PERISSET Anja to third.
- JAMEYSON Mariah walked on a 3-1 count, FISCHER Jody to second, PERISSET Anja scored, BRÄNDLI Andrea to third.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige hit ground rule double to left on a full count, BRÄNDLI Andrea scored, FISCHER Jody to third, JAMEYSON Mariah to third, FISCHER Jody scored.
- DÜBENDORFER Ines singled to pitcher on an 0-1 count, JAMEYSON Mariah scored, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige to third.
- MATHIS Amy singled to third on the first pitch, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige scored, DÜBENDORFER Ines to second, DÜBENDORFER Ines safe at third on error by third baseman Marianne Martina Aellen, MATHIS Amy to second.
- LUTZ Riona walked on a 3-0 count.
- DÜBENDORFER Ines scored on Tamara Ammeter wild pitch (Count: 3-0), MATHIS Amy to third, LUTZ Riona to second.
- PERISSET Chiara walked on a 3-1 count.

Zurschmitten pitching

- (AMMETER Tamara in center.)
- PERISSET Anja grounded out, second to first on a 1-0 count.

6 Runs, 3 Hits, 1 Error, 3 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 12


Mccutcheon pitching

- (HARMS Imke in right for #7 Lutz Riona.)
- (BRÄNDLI Andrea at second.)
- MULLENS Molly struck out looking on a full count.
- ZGRAGGEN Anna struck out swinging on a 1-2 count.
- MICHEL Anouchka struck out looking on a 1-2 count.

0 Runs, 0 Hits, 0 Errors, 0 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 12


Zurschmitten pitching

- BRÄNDLI Andrea walked on a 3-0 count.
- BRÄNDLI Andrea safe at third on Simone Zurschmitten wild pitch (Count: 1-0).
- BRÄNDLI Andrea scored on Simone Zurschmitten wild pitch (Count: 2-2).
- FISCHER Jody walked on a full count.
- FISCHER Jody safe at second on Simone Zurschmitten wild pitch (Count: 1-0).

Lutz-Demetz pitching

- (AMMETER Tamara at shortstop.)
- (ZURSCHMITTEN Simone in center.)
- JAMEYSON Mariah hit by pitch on the first pitch.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige singled to second on the first pitch, FISCHER Jody scored, JAMEYSON Mariah to third.
- DÜBENDORFER Ines singled to shortstop on a 1-1 count, JAMEYSON Mariah scored, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige to third.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige scored on Carmen Lutz-Demetz wild pitch (Count: 1-0).
- DÜBENDORFER Ines safe at third on Carmen Lutz-Demetz wild pitch (Count: 1-0).
- MATHIS Amy walked on a 3-1 count.
- MATHIS Amy stole second (Count: 1-0).
- HARMS Imke hit ground rule double to center on a 1-1 count, DÜBENDORFER Ines scored, MATHIS Amy to third, MATHIS Amy scored.
- (ZURSCHMITTEN Simone in right.)
- (AMMETER Tamara in center.)
- (LUTZ-DEMETZ Carmen at shortstop.)
- (MÜLLER Lara designated player.)
- (LOPEZ Danielle Frances pinch hitting for #24 Perisset Chiara.)
- LOPEZ Danielle Frances hit sacrifice bunt, pitcher to first on a 1-0 count, HARMS Imke to third.
- PERISSET Anja flied out to left on an 0-2 count.
- BRÄNDLI Andrea singled to third on the first pitch, HARMS Imke scored.
- FISCHER Jody struck out looking on an 0-2 count.

7 Runs, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 19


Mccutcheon pitching

- (PERISSET Chiara at third for #12 Danielle Frances Lopez.)
- AELLEN Marianne Martina struck out swinging on a 2-2 count.
- AMMETER Tamara grounded out on bunt attempt, first to second on an 0-1 count.
- TAN Isabelle singled to pitcher on a 2-2 count.
- LUTZ-DEMETZ Carmen grounded out, shortstop to first on an 0-2 count.

0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 19


Lutz-Demetz pitching

- JAMEYSON Mariah singled to shortstop on an 0-1 count.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige flied out to shortstop on the first pitch.
- (SAILLEN Noë pinch hitting for #6 Dübendorfer Ines.)
- SAILLEN Noë singled to second on a 1-0 count, JAMEYSON Mariah to third.
- MATHIS Amy singled to right center field on the first pitch, JAMEYSON Mariah scored, SAILLEN Noë to second.
- HARMS Imke struck out looking on a 1-2 count.
- PERISSET Chiara grounded out, pitcher to first on a 1-1 count.

1 Run, 3 Hits, 0 Errors, 2 LOB
Zürich Challengers 2, Zürich Barracudas 20


Mccutcheon pitching

- (SAILLEN Noë at first.)
- (BRÄNDLI Andrea at shortstop.)
- (FISCHER Jody at second.)
- (JAMEYSON Mariah in center.)
- (LUTZ Solana in left.)
- ZURSCHMITTEN Simone safe at second on error by first baseman Noë Saillen on the first pitch.
- (WEHRLI Ziegylou pinch hitting for # Müller Lara.)
- WEHRLI Ziegylou struck out swinging on an 0-2 count.
- MULLENS Molly safe at first on error by pitcher Alexandra Paige Mccutcheon on the first pitch, ZURSCHMITTEN Simone to third.
- ZURSCHMITTEN Simone scored on Amy Mathis passed ball (Count: 1-0), MULLENS Molly to second.
- ZGRAGGEN Anna grounded out, second to first on a 1-0 count, MULLENS Molly to third.
- MICHEL Anouchka struck out swinging on a full count.

1 Run, 0 Hits, 2 Errors, 1 LOB
Zürich Challengers 3, Zürich Barracudas 20


Lutz-Demetz pitching

- (WEHRLI Ziegylou designated player.)
- PERISSET Anja safe at first on error by second baseman Anna Zgraggen on a 1-1 count.
- BRÄNDLI Andrea struck out swinging on a 2-2 count.
- PERISSET Anja safe at second on Carmen Lutz-Demetz wild pitch (Count: 1-1).
- FISCHER Jody singled to shortstop on a 1-1 count, PERISSET Anja to third.
- JAMEYSON Mariah doubled to left on a 2-1 count, PERISSET Anja scored, FISCHER Jody scored.
- MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige singled to center on an 0-1 count, JAMEYSON Mariah to third.
- SAILLEN Noë grounded out, second to first on a 2-2 count, JAMEYSON Mariah scored, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige to third.
- MATHIS Amy singled to left on an 0-1 count, MCCUTCHEON Alexandra Paige scored.
- HARMS Imke walked on a 3-1 count, MATHIS Amy to second.
- PERISSET Chiara lined out to second on an 0-1 count.

4 Runs, 4 Hits, 1 Error, 2 LOB
Zürich Challengers 3, Zürich Barracudas 24


Mccutcheon pitching

- AELLEN Marianne Martina walked on a full count.
- AMMETER Tamara singled to left on an 0-1 count, AELLEN Marianne Martina to second.
- TAN Isabelle struck out swinging on a 1-2 count.
- LUTZ-DEMETZ Carmen grounded into double play, second to first on the first pitch, AMMETER Tamara out, shortstop to second.

0 Runs, 1 Hit, 0 Errors

Zürich Challengers 3, Zürich Barracudas 24