Battle for First Place at the Klopstockwiese

The Softball-Team (6-0) will face the Wil Devils (7-1) on Sunday, June 15 at the Klopstockwiese in what will be a battle for first place. While the C’s try to stay unbeaten, the Devils look to keep their seven-game winning streak alive, the longest in team’s history. The games start at 11am and 1.30pm.
The 1.Liga-Team (3-3) travels to Embrach on Saturday, June 14 where they will play against the Embrach Rainbows and the Zürich Barracudas. The games start at 10am and 12.30pm.

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Cadets wahren Ungeschlagenheit

Die U15-Cadets beenden die Vorrunde mit zehn Siegen aus zehn Spielen ungeschlagen. Am Sonntag, 8. Juni besiegten die Challengers zunächst die Spielgemeinschaft der Eagles/Unicorns/Truck Star mit 8-0. Carl Varnauskas und Gabe Staub pitchen ein Shutout, während Alex Merlini mit seinem ersten Homerun der Saison für das offensive Highlight sorgte. Im zweiten Spiel des Tages trafen die Blauen auf die bislang noch sieglosen Lausanne Indians. Die Offense war nun sichtlich warm gelaufen. Nach einem 3-run Homerun durch Danilo Schneider im ersten Inning hämmerte Brent Jozwiak den Ball im dritten Inning weit über den Center Field Zaun. Die Challengers gewannen schliesslich die Partie mit 15-0.
Derweil spielten die Zürich Pilots, das U12-Juveniles Team der Embrach Rainbows, Zürich Lions und der Challengers am Samstag, 7. Juni ihr erstes Heimspiel in Zürich auf der Klopstockwiese. Während die Pilots dem Tabellenführer Therwil Flyers mit 1-4 unterlagen, bezwangen sie die Spielgemeinschaft Truck Star/Eagles/Unicorns mit 14-0.

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C’s edged twice by Cudas

One week after a historic last clash on the old Heerenschürli field the Zürich Barracudas and the Zürich Challengers made history again. The two cross-town rivals met on Saturday, June 7 at Embrach in what was the first ever Swiss baseball game that will be broadcasted by the Swiss Sports Television, aired on Star TV on Monday, June 9 from 8pm till 9.30pm. And the viewers will see a thrilling game. Thomas Burger tossed a complete game with a season-high 14 strikeouts and allowed four runs and eight hits, but ended up with a loss, as the Barracudas built up an early 4-0 lead and held on for a 4-3 victory in Game 1. But things got even worse for the Challengers in Game 2. The C’s led 3-2 with two outs and two strikes in the last frame, but Andy Rüesch plated the tying run for the Barracudas with an RBI-single on the last strike before scoring the game-winning run a few seconds later to send the Cudas to a dramatic 5-3 win. The C’s dropped their record to 5-7 and need to win at least six of their next eight games to clinch a playoff spot.

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Zurich derby on Star TV

One week after a historic last clash on the old Heerenschürli field the Zürich Barracudas and the Zürich Challengers make history again. The two cross-town rivals will meet on Saturday, June 7 at Embrach, PZ Hard. For the first time ever a Swiss baseball game will be broadcasted by the Swiss Sports Television, aired on Star TV on Monday, June 9 from 8pm till 9.30pm. The Barracudas are in third place with a 6-3 record, while the Challengers are tied for fourth with a 5-5 record. The C’s overcame a horrible start into the 2008 campaign by winning their last four games, but lost against the Barracudas in Round two of this year’s Swiss Cup competition one week ago. The C’s will try to move over .500 for the first time this season before they travel to Brest, Belarus, where they will play at the Qualifier European Cup against Uks Deby Osielsko (POL), Brest Zubrs (BLR), KNTU Kirovograd (UKR), Stockholm (SWE) and BK Vilnius (LTU) from June 16 till 21.

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Cadets with dramatic Win in Thun

The Cadets remain perfect after winning twice on Sunday, June 1 at Thun. The Challengers erased a three-run deficit in the last inning to eventually win 9-8 against the Berner Bears in Game 1, before beating the Flyers/Frogs in a match-up between the two so far unbeaten teams 14-5 in Game 2. The C’s have now a 8-0 record. They will face next the Truck Star/Eagles/Unicorns and the Lausanne Indians on June 8 at Rümlang.

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Swiss Cup: Farewell to Old Heerenschürli with derby

In the 3rd round of this year’s Swiss Cup, the Challengers lost the final game at the Heerenschürli 13-3 against their cross-town rivals Zürich Barracudas. Nderim Coma dominated the Challengers’ bats, and Andi Rüesch came up big for the Cudas with two homers and two singles in four trips to the plate, collecting six RBI’s along the way. It was the very last game on the Old Heerenschürli field before the renewal of the Heerenschürli sports facilities. The opening of the new field will take place in spring 2010.

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Pilots split at Wittenbach

Im ersten Spiel war Wil’s Pitching einfach zu überlegen; ansonsten spielten wir gar nicht schlecht, verloren aber trotzdem 6:0. Gegen die Vikings zeigten wir dann eine wirklich tolle Partie. Wir waren auf allen Positionen voll konzentriert, Pitching und Catching waren überzeugend, und wir bauten die Führung kontinuierlich aus. Jeder, aber wirklich jeder Spieler leistete einen positiven Beitrag zum 11:6 Sieg. Es war ein einwandfreies Spiel, an dem es nichts zu kritisieren gibt. Ich hoffe, unsere Jungs werden sich in zwei Wochen beim nächsten Spiel daran erinnern.

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The Cadets’ dominant streak continues

The Challengers Cadets team once again made the statement that they are the team to beat this year by collecting two blow-out wins on Saturday, May 24th in Wil. Rookie Korey Kovac’s and captain Gabe Staub’s amazing pitching performance is exactly what the Challengers needed to beat the Kobras in Game 1. The two pitchers combined for the Cadets first no-hitter since last years game against the Indians. Kovac gave up only three walks while striking out four in three innings as the Challengers easily took out the Kobras 17-0. Staub then finished the game with a two strikeout fourth. The Cadets also ran all over the Kobras and finished Game 1 with 17 stolen bases. Carl Varnauskas stole five bases, but the Challengers hitting highlight was Brent Jozwiak’s three for four day. Jozwiak had two doubles and knocked in four while crossing the plate three times.
The Cadets did not stop swinging and pitching in the second game against the Lions/Rainbows/Bandits as they walked off the field with a one-hitter, 16-0 win. Once again Kovac brought his A-game to the field and threw another three quality innings giving up only two walks and striking out three. Alex Merlini fourth inning appearance on the mound got off to a great start by striking out the first batter. He then gave up the C’s only hit, a shot to right-center which went for a triple. Gabe Staub then showed that he is Switzerland’s top catcher prospect by picking off the baserunner on third three pitches later. The pitchers only pitched to a total of 13 batters over four innings, Staub caught another runner on second which helped his pitchers cruise through. The Challengers batters showed extreme discipline at the plate by striking out only three times. The Cadets also hit five triples, Varnauskas had two, Staub added another two and “newbie” Danilo Schneider also hit his first three-baser of the season.

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Cadets add two in winning column

The Cadets won twice on Saturday, May 17 at Rapperswil-Jona improving their record to 4-0. After beating the Vikings/Devils 15-1, the Challengers held on for a 11-6 victory against the Lions/Bandits/Rainbows in what was a rematch of last year’s final.
The Zürich Pilots lost 9-10 to the Sissach Frogs on Sunday, May 18. The Pilots erased a five run deficit but blew a two-run lead in the bottom of the last inning to eventually lose 9-10.

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