The 1.Liga-Team started the best-of-three series for third place against the Zurich Barracudas with a 20-5 victory in Game 1 on Sunday, September 6 at Hünenberg. Game 2 and if necessary 3 will be played on Saturday, September 19.
Weiterlesen » 1.Liga-Team wins opener for 3rd placeLadies clinch playoff berth
The Softball-Team clinched the playoff berth with two wins against the cross-town rivals Zurich Barracudas on Sunday, September 6 at the Klopstockwiese. Leandra Simitovic cleared the way to the semifinals for the Challengers tossing five magnificient innings en route to a 10-0 shutout victory in Game 1. Simitovic allowed three hits, with no walks while also striking out seven and Alexia Zingg led the offense going 3-for-3 with two RBI’s and two runs, while Sandrine Montandon and Simone Zurschmitten drove in two runs apiece. Game 2 saw several lead changes but the same winner again, as the Challengers posted a 12-6 victory over the Barracudas. The C’s were down 3-5, as they exploded for six runs in the fifth inning to take the lead for good. Nadja Critelli started the scoring, as Alexia Zingg drove her in with a RBI-double, followed by a RBI-single from Simona Cellar and a RBI-double from Simone Zurschmitten, before Andrea Wirth ended it by ripping a 2-run single to make it 9-5. Simone Zurschmitten lasted three innings in her first career start allowing four runs and one hit with two strikeouts, while Simona Cellar picked up the win pitching three innings of relief, as she allowed two runs – none of them earned – and one hit with one walk and one strikeout. The Challengers (10-10) will face the reigning champions Therwil Flyers (19-1) in the semifinals. Game 1 of the best-of-three series will be played on Saturday, September 12 at 1.30pm at the Klopstockwiese, Game 2 and if necessary 3 will take place on Sunday, September 13 at Therwil.
Weiterlesen » Ladies clinch playoff berthChallengers send series to Game 5
The NLA-Team forced a deciding Game 5 in its semifinal series against the first placed Therwil Flyers with a 4-3 victory after extra innings in Game 4 on Sunday, September 6. The C’s were at the brink of elimination, as they trailed 1-3 with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning. But Ueli Von Burg and James Sanders reached base and were batted in on Tobias Siegrist’s 2-run double to tie the game at 3-3. And it was almost the same script in the bottom of the 11th frame again, as the Flyers defense misplayed a grounder from Siegrist, enabling Von Burg to score the winning run from second base with one out to prolong the Challengers’ season. On Saturday the Therwil Flyers took a 2 games to 1 series lead with a 15-0 shutout victory in Game 3 at Therwil. Game 5 will take place at Therwil on Saturday, September 19.
Weiterlesen » Challengers send series to Game 5Flyers take 2-1 series lead
The Therwil Flyers took a 2 games to 1 series lead with a 15-0 shutout victory in Game 3 on Saturday at Therwil. The best-of-five semifinal series will continue with Game 4 on Sunday, September 6 at 2pm at Hünenberg Rony.
Weiterlesen » Flyers take 2-1 series leadSoftball-Team benötigt noch einen Sieg
Das Softball-Team trifft am Sonntag, 6. September auf der Klopstockwiese auf den Stadtrivalen Barracudas (4-14). Die Challengers (8-10) benötigen noch einen Sieg, um sich als viertes Team definitiv für die Playoffs zu qualifizieren. In den beiden ersten Begegnungen in dieser Saison setzten sich die Challengers mit 19-12 und 9-0 zweimal durch. Die Spiele beginnen um 11.00 und 13.30 Uhr auf der Klopstockwiese.
Das 1.Liga-Team bestreitet am Sonntag, 6. September in Hünenberg das erste Spiel des kleinen Finals gegen die Zürich Barracudas. Nach der Halbfinalniederlage gegen die Thun Hunters mit 1-2 Siegen geht es für die Challengers nun um Rang 3 in der Regionalliga. Spiel 1 der best-of-three Serie findet um 11.00 Uhr in Hünenberg Rony statt.
Spiel 3 in Therwil
Für das NLA-Team stehen am Samstag und am Sonntag die Spiele 3 und 4 in der best-of-five Halbfinalserie mit den Therwil Flyers auf dem Programm. Nachdem beide Teams am vergangenen Wochenende ihre Heimspiele gewinnen konnten, steht es in der Serie nach Siegen 1-1. Die Flyers gewannen die erste Partie auf der Känelmatt sicher mit 10-2, während die Challengers tags darauf mit ihrem 9-5 Erfolg ein kräftiges Lebenszeichen von sich gaben. Spiel 3 findet am Samstag, 5. September um 14.00 Uhr auf der Therwiler Känelmatt statt, Spiel 4 geht am Sonntag, 6. September um 14.00 Uhr in Hünenberg Rony über die Bühne.
Weiterlesen » Spiel 3 in TherwilC’s ground Flyers, tie series at 1-1
James Sanders tossed eight magnificient innings, Tobias Siegrist delivered three hits and drove in three runs, and the Challengers find themselves all even with the Therwil Flyers in the best-of-five semifinal series. After dropping the opener 2-10 on Saturday at Therwil, the C’s had 13 hits en route to a 9-5 victory over the Flyers in Game 2 on Sunday, August 30 at Embrach. The Flyers scored their first run in the third inning, but the C’s answered with three runs of their own in the bottom half of the frame on singles from Angel Maduro, Ueli Von Burg and RBI-singles from Sanders and Siegrist. After two RBI-doubles from Siegrist and Jesus Martinez in the seventh frame to make it 5-2, the C’s added four insurance runs in the eight to put things out of reach for the Flyers. Game 3 will take place on Saturday, September 5 at Therwil, Game 4 is scheduled for Sunday, September 6 at Hünenberg.
Weiterlesen » C’s ground Flyers, tie series at 1-1Cadets feiern dritten Titel in Serie

Die U15 Cadets besiegten die Spielgemeinschaft der Lions/Rainbows und feierten den dritten Schweizer Meistertitel in Serie. Im ersten Spiel der best-of-three Finalserie am Sonntag, 30. August in Embrach setzten sich die Challengers nach einem harten Kampf letztlich mit 9-4 durch. Im zweiten Spiel liess das Team von Headcoach Bryan Shemley dann einen deutlichen 22-3 Sieg folgen, womit sie den Titel aus dem Vorjahr erfolgreich verteidigten.
Cadets Schweizer Meister 2009: Jarrod Baker, Hazim Boumaiza, Austin Dillingham, Peter Friedli, Maurice Hostettler, Joey Kimball, Korey Kovac, Yanik Probst, Danilo Schneider, Gabe Staub, Magnus Staub, Matthew Stringer, Marcel Zuberbühler; Bryan Shemley (Head Coach), Tom Kimball (Assistenzcoach), Kurt Kovac (Assistenzcoach)
Challengers drop opener
The Challengers traveled to Therwil, where they played Game 1 of the best-of-five semifinal series on Saturday, August 29. The Therwil Flyers took the series opener, as they posted a 10-2 victory over the Challengers. Game 2 will take place on Sunday, August 30 at 3pm at Embrach PZ Hard.
Weiterlesen » Challengers drop openerLadies split with Eagles
The Softball-Team stayed in fourth place after a split with the fifth placed Reussbühl Eagles on Saturday, August 29 at Reussbühl. Claudia Stierli pitched a three-hitter, as the Eagles posted a 11-3 victory in Game 1. The Challengers’ offense was almost inexistent, as Karen Heimgartner, Elisabete Vieira and Simona Cellar had the only hits for the C’s, while the defense committed five errors that led to a total of nine unearned runs. Leandra Simitovic allowed 11 runs – only two of them earned – and eight hits with one walk and six strikeouts. Game 2 saw a different Challengers team, as Simone Zurschmitten opened the score with a 2-run triple in the first inning. And the C’s added some more runs for a 5-1 lead after two frames, before they delivered four hits and scored six runs in the sixth inning to make it 11-1. Karen Heimgartner tossed six strong innings with ten strikeouts and two walks, while Simona Cellar, Leandra Simitovic and Ziegylou Wehrli had two hits apiece. The Challengers are now one victory away from clinching the playoff berth. They will face their cross-town rivals Zurich Barracudas on Sunday, September 6 at the Klopstockwiese.
Weiterlesen » Ladies split with Eagles