The Softball-Team moved over .500 after sweeping the Geneva Jets on Saturday, July 10 at the Klopstockwiese. The two teams battled for 2 hours and 20 minutes in Game 1, as the Challengers exploded for a six-run fifth inning to beat the Jets 16-9.
The Jets grabbed an early 3-0 lead, as they delivered four hits in the first inning. And four more hits in the second made it 7-0 for the visitors. Then the Challengers’ bats heated up, as they erased the deficit to tie the game at 8-8 after four frames. But the Jets weren’t done yet, as they took the lead back in the top of the fifth, as Charissa Rajnoch crossed the plate to make it 9-8.
Brigit Zuber tied the game again in the bottom half of the inning for the C’s before Simona Cellar had an RBI-double for a 10-9 lead. In the end the C’s scored eight unanswered runs to seal the deal.
Simone Zurschmitten delivered two hits including a double and finished with two RBI and four runs scored, while Simona Cellar and Alexia Zingg posted a double and a single, three runs scored and an RBI and Leandra Simitovic and Ziegylou Wehrli drove in two runs apiece.
Leandra Simitovic allowed nine runs – six earned – and ten hits with six walks, while also striking out four for the win.
Karen Heimgartner and Simona Cellar combined for a one-hitter, while Leandra Simitovic drove in two runs, as the Challengers downed the Geneva Jets 8-0 in Game 2.
The C’s opened the score with two runs in the first inning and added four runs in the third frame on a bases-loaded walk to Zurschmitten, a two-run single by Simitovic and a run-scoring single from Wehrli to put things out of reach for the Jets.
Heimgartner scattered one hit while fanning five and walking one for her fifth win of the season.
With their seventh win in nine games the Challengers moved into third place with a 8-7 record.
Ladies climb over .500
Challengers sweep Mustangs
The Challengers swept the red-hot Embrach Mustangs by taking both games of Saturday’s doubleheader.
In Game 1, Tobias Siegrist went the distance for his fourth win of the season, limiting the Mustangs to only seven hits in a 5-2 victory. He also went 4-for-4 at the plate with a game-high two runs scored.
In the second contest, Siegrist started again and lasted 5 1-3 innings, giving up four runs on five hits. The win came in the Challengers’ final at-bat as Jesus Martinez lifted a high fly ball to center field, which Harry Wischnewski lost in the sun, enabling Siegrist to score the winning run for a 5-4 win. Carlos Peña went 4-for-4 with two singles, a double and a triple, and Brian Hipps was credited with his first win of the season.
Family & Friends Plauschturnier
Zehn Jahre nach der ersten Austragung fand am Sonntag, 4. Juli auf der Klopstockwiese das traditionelle Challengers Family & Friends Tournament statt. Aktuelle und ehemalige Spieler, deren Familien und Freunde, feilschten verteilt auf vier Teams um den Turniersieg. Bei schönen äusseren Bedingungen kämpften über 60 Challengers & Friends während fast sechs Stunden um Hits, Runs & Outs. In einem spannenden Endspiel siegten Three Pink Tacos d Repräsentante hauchdünn mit 4-3. Der Dank geht an alle Helferinnen und Helfer sowie an alle Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer, die das Plauschturnier erneut zu einem grossen Erfolg machten.
1. Three Pink Tacos
2. D Repräsentante
3. The Representers
4. The Runners & Not-Runners
Family & Friends Plauschturnier

Am kommenden Sonntag, 4. Juli findet ab 10.00 Uhr auf der Klopstockwiese in Zürich-Enge wieder das traditionelle Challengers Family & Friends Tournament statt (Tram 13 & Bus 33 bis Waffenplatzstrasse). Es sind alle Freunde der Challengers eingeladen, einmal selber das Bat zu schwinge.
Neben 30 Jahre Challengers kann dieses Jahr auch das Family & Friends Plauschturnier ein kleines Jubiläum feiern. Vor 10 Jahren, genauer am 9. Juli 2000, wurde das Turnier erstmals durchgeführt und ist seither nicht mehr aus dem Challengers Kalender wegzudenken.
Ladies’ five game winning streak halted
The Challengers had their five-game winning streak halted in Game 1 when they dropped a 10-2 decision at Therwil against the first placed Flyers on Saturday, June 26.
The reigning Swiss champion seized control of the opener by scoring five runs on three hits and two Challengers errors in the first frame and they added five more runs in the second, as Roo Richardson belted a grand slam to center field that made it 10-2 in her first game for the Flyers. The Challengers took a 2-0 lead in the top of the first inning, as Alexia Zingg delivered a two-run double, but missed several scoring opportunities in the next couple of frames, as they stranded a total of ten baserunners.
The defense was the difference in Game 2. While the Flyers played flawlessly, the Challengers committed several defensive miscues that allowed the Flyers to pull out a 6-0 victory. The Flyers opened the score in the second inning on an overthrow and a passed ball to make it 2-0 and put things out of reach in the fifth, as they scored four runs on three hits and three errors by the Challengers’ defense.
Jennifer Feret tossed a three-hitter with ten strikeouts and two walks, while Karen Heimgartner allowed six runs – only one earned – and five hits with one walk and eleven strikeouts.
Challengers sweep Cardinals
The Challengers won twice against the Bern Cardinals to extend their winning streak to four on Saturday, June 26 at the Heerenschürli ballpark. The Challengers (8-6) posted a 12-10 win against the Cardinals (9-9) in Game 1 and added a 3-0 shutout victory in Game 2. With the two wins the C’s climed over .500 for the first time since opening day and moved into third place.
Weiterlesen » Challengers sweep CardinalsChallengers treffen auf Cardinals

Die Challengers empfangen die Bern Cardinals am Samstag, 26. Juni im Stadion Heerenschürli. Die Challengers werden versuchen ihr Punktekonto im Kampf um die Playoffplätze zu äufnen. Die beiden Teams standen sich bereits am 24. April ein erstes Mal in dieser Saison gegenüber. Dabei gewannen die Bundesstädter beide Partien. Die Spiele beginnen um 11.00 und 14.00 Uhr.
Das Softball-Team reist am Samstag, 26. Juni nach Therwil, wo es auf den amtierenden Schweizer Meister Therwil Flyers trifft. Spielbeginn ist um 11.00 und 13.30 Uhr in Therwil Känelmatt II.
Ladies win fifth in a row
The Challengers climbed over .500 for the first time this season, as they posted a 6-4 win over the Zurich Barracudas on Thursday night, June 26.
Vanessa Zulliger broke a sixth-inning tie with an RBI-groundout, as the C’s won their fifth straight. Andrea Wirth hit a two-run double, Simone Zurschmitten finished 2-for-3, while Simona Cellar scored twice for the blue and red.
The Challengers grabbed a 1-0 lead in the opening inning on a RBI-double by Zurschmitten, but the Barracudas answered with a run of their own in the second frame to tie the game at 1-1. And the Barracudas added two more runs in the third inning on three errors by the Challengers defense and a RBI-single by Stephanie Reid.
The C’s regained the lead in the bottom of the fourth. Back-to-back singles brought Cellar on third base and she crossed the plate on Alexia Zingg’s RBI-single. Then Leandra Simitovic reached on base-on-balls to load the bases for Wirth, who delivered a two-run double to make it 4-3. The Barracudas tied the game again in the fifth, before the C’s took the lead for good in the sixth, as Zulliger drove in Zurschmitten and Ziegylou Wehrli scored on a throwing error by the Barracudas defense that made it 6-4.
Karen Heimgartner allowed four unearned runs and four hits with ten strikeouts for the win, while Corina Grass allowed six runs – five earned – on seven hits and four walks, while also striking out five.
Softball Stadtderby am Donnerstag

Das Softball-Team empfängt den Stadtrivalen Zürich Barracudas am Donnerstag, 24. Juni auf der Klopstockwiese. Nachdem dieselbe Begegnung am vergangenen Donnerstag nach nur 1 Inning wegen Regens abgebrochen werden musste, sind die Wetterprognosen diesmal zumindest günstiger. Die beiden Teams standen sich bereits am Opening Day gegenüber, als die Barracudas das Eröffnungsspiel mit 13-6 gewinnen konnten, während die Challengers in der zweiten Partie mit einem 14-3 Erfolg antworteten.
Baseballspiele fallen Regen zum Opfer
Der Regen konnte sich am Samstag, 19. Juni als einziger in die Siegerliste eintragen. Das Stadtderby zwischen den Challengers und den Barracudas war nur eines von sieben Spielen in der Schweizer Liga, das dem anhaltenden Regen zum Opfer fiel.
Auch das NLB-Spiel zwischen den Challengers und den Wil Devils wurde abgesagt.
Der U15 Cadets-Spieltag vom Sonntag, 20. Juni wurde ebenfalls bereits abgesagt, da das Spielfeld in Rapperswil-Jona wegen der starken Regenfälle der vergangenen Tage nicht bespielbar ist.