The Softball-Team has a strong performance in Bern. 27 hits and 38 runs as well as two wins are the result of a productive Sunday on the Allmend.
While the Challengers benefited from the Cardinals pitcher’s walks in the first inning, they took a 10-4 lead in the second frame with six hits. After two more runs on each side, the Challengers bats caught fire in the fifth inning. They scored 11 runs from seven hits, including no fewer than three triples from Tamara Ammeter, Taylor McCants and Isabelle Tan, to finally win 23-7.
Tamara Ammeter had three hits and five runs, Carmen Lutz-Demetz and Leandra Simitovic had two hits and four RBIs each and Molly Mullens had three RBI. Tamara Ammeter took the win, as she gave up only two hits and one run in three innings, while starter Solana Lutz also gave up only two earned runs in two innings of work.
The second game of the day was one-sided from the start. The Challengers took an early 14-0 lead and deservedly won 15-3. Simona Cellar shone with four hits and five RBI, Taylor McCants screwed her batting average to .714 with another three hits and Riona Lutz convinced with 2.1 innings pitched with three runs – only one of them earned – and five hits.