Cadets win night game at Hünenberg

The U15 Cadets won the make-up game on Thursday evening in Hünenberg with 14-8. The result is a little misleading, as the game was completely even for four innings.

The Challengers seemed to have benefited from the unusually late start time. In the make-up game for the doubleheader against the SG Unicorns/Eagles, which was canceled last Saturday due to rain, they landed no fewer than twenty hits and remained errorless in defense. Nevertheless it was a neck-and-neck race with the Central Swiss team for a long time. The guests took 1-0, 3-1 and 6-3 leads, but the SG Unicorns/Eagles immediately equalized each time. In the fourth inning, Yannik Hobi and Ilai Blickenstorfer brought the Challengers back into the lead by two runs with back-to-back doubles. This time the home team was no longer able to keep the pace. And the later the evening, the better the Zurich team became. With seven hits, including two doubles from Ben Dickow and Fabrizio Bucher, they scored six runs in the fifth inning. The Central Swiss team had no answer to that.

Noam Müller, Ben Dickow, Tyler Smith and Ilai Blickenstorfer each delivered three hits, while Fabrizio Bucher, Yannik Hobi and Jimmy Siemers had two hits each. Ben Dickow was credited with the win, while Tyler Smith, who came to the mound with the score at 8-7 in the fourth inning, recorded the save.


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