Softball and 1st League games ahead

Before the U23 Qualifier tournament with the Swiss U23 Baseball National Team begins on August 5th at the Heerenschürli ballpark in Zurich, baseball and softball will be played at the national level this weekend. Two teams from the Challengers organization will also be in action.

The Softball-Team will travel to the capital city on Saturday, where they will meet the Bern Cardinals on the Bern Allmend. The encounters in Zurich in May were clearly won by the Challengers. After six straight losses the Challengers need to wins for their self-confidence. The games will be played at 11 a.m. and 1.30 p.m.

The 1st League-Team will head in the opposite direction on Sunday. The Challengers’ third team will first meet their cross-town rivals Zurich Eighters at Wil Lindenhof at 12.30 p.m., the duel with the hosts SG Pirates/Lions is scheduled for 3 p.m.


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