The SG TruckStar/Challengers played at the Therwil Indoor Tournament on Sunday, March 15. The U12-Juveniles finished in third place, while the U15-Cadets arrived in fourth place. Both categories have been won by the Neuenburg Atomics from Germany. The last indoor tournament for the Juniors will take place on Saturday, March 21 at Rümlang. (Photo TruckStar)
Weiterlesen » Therwil Indoor TournamentAutor: chris
Cadets in Olten auf Rang 2
Die Challengers Junioren bestritten mit den TruckStar am Sonntag, 8. März deren Heimturnier in der Stadthalle in Olten. Die SG TruckStar/Challengers belegten in der Kategorie U12-Juveniles, deren Turnier am Vormittag ausgetragen wurde, den vierten Rang, während die U15-Cadets am Nachmittag mit Rang 2 glänzten. Die SG TruckStar/Challengers/Cardinals bezwang dabei die Unicorns/Eagles, die Thun Hunters und die Therwil Flyers und unterlag lediglich dem amtierenden Schweizer Meister Rümlang Kobras mit 3-5. Das nächste Hallenturnier findet am Sonntag, 15. März in Therwil statt.
Weiterlesen » Cadets in Olten auf Rang 2Cadets finish 2nd at Olten
The Challengers Juniors played with the Dulliken TruckStar at their Indoor Tournament at the Stadthalle Olten on Sunday, March 8. The SG TruckStar/Challengers finished in fourth place in the U12-Juveniles category, that was played in the morning, while the U15-Cadets finished in second place with a 3-1 record in the afternoon. The SG TruckStar/Challengers/Cardinals beat the Unicorns/Eagles, the Thun Hunters and the Therwil Flyers and lost only to the reigning Swiss Champion Rümlang Kobras by a score of 3-5. The next indoor tournament will take place on Sunday, March 15 at Therwil.
Weiterlesen » Cadets finish 2nd at OltenOlten Indoor Tournament
For the Challengers U15-Cadets and U12-Juveniles the indoor season will continue on Sunday, March 8 at the Baseball Indoor Tournament Olten. The tournament organized by the Dulliken TruckStar will take place for the second time. The Juveniles will play the Hünenberg Unicorns, Rümlang Kobras and the Wittenbach Vikings from 8.30 am till noon. The Cadets tournament will last from 12.15 pm till 6.30 pm with the SG TruckStar/Challengers facing the Hünenberg Unicorns, Rümlang Kobras, Therwil Flyers and Thun Hunters.
Weiterlesen » Olten Indoor TournamentBaseball Hallenturnier Olten
Für die U15-Cadets und die U12-Juveniles der Challengers geht die Hallensaison am Sonntag, 8. März mit dem Baseball Hallenturnier in Olten weiter. Das Heimturnier unseres Partnerteams TruckStar findet in diesem Jahr zum zweiten Mal statt. Die Juveniles spielen von 08.30 bis 12.00 Uhr. Gegner der SG TruckStar/Challengers sind die Hünenberg Unicorns, Rümlang Kobras und die Wittenbach Vikings. Das Turnier der Cadets dauert von 12.15 bis 18.30 Uhr, wobei die SG auf die Hünenberg Unicorns, Rümlang Kobras, Therwil Flyers und Thun Hunters.
Weiterlesen » Baseball Hallenturnier OltenProvisional schedules published
The Swiss Baseball and Softball Federation has published the provisional schedules for the Baseball National Leagues and for the Softball League. Opening Day will be on April 11, while the Softball season will start on May 2.
The Challengers NLB-Team will open the 2015 campaign on April 11 with a double header on the road against the Embrach Mustangs. The NLA-Team will face the Bern Cardinals one day later at the capital city, while the Softball-Teams takes off with a home opener against the Wil Devils on May 3.
Winter Training 2015
Das Wintertraining für das Zürich Challengers Softball Team findet jeden DIENSTAG von 18.00-20.00 Uhr in der Turnhalle Lavater an der Schulhausstr. 1 in Zürich-Enge statt (Tram 7 bis Museum Rietberg). Am Dienstag, 17. Februar findet wegen Schulferien kein Training statt.
Weiterlesen » Winter Training 2015Winter Practice 2015
The winter practice for the Zurich Challengers Softball Team will take place every TUESDAY from 6pm till 8pm at the Turnhalle Lavater at the Schulhausstrasse 1 in Zurich-Enge (tram 7 to Museum Rietberg). There will be nopractice on Tuesday, February 17 due to school holidays.
Weiterlesen » Winter Practice 2015Embrach Indoor Tournament
The Challengers Juniors participated at the Embrach Indoor Tournament on Saturday, February 7. The U12-Juveniles of the SG TruckStar/Challengers confirmed their fine performance at the Sissach Indoor Tournament two weeks ago and finished in 3rd place out of five teams.
The Challengers U15-Cadets lined up with players from three other clubs due to school holidays. The team finished in 4th place. Next up will be the Olten Indoor Tournament on Sunday, March 8, that will be organized by the Dulliken TruckStar.
Gruppenauslosung Softball EM
Die Softball Europameisterschaft der Damen 2015 findet vom 19.-25. Juli in Rosmalen/Holland mit 21 Teams statt. Während des ESF Kongresses in Dublin am 7. Februar wurde die Gruppenauslosung von Michelle Smith USA (2-fache Olympia Gold Gewinnerin) vorgenommen. Die Schweiz wurde der Gruppe D mit Italien, Grossbritannien, der Slowakei und Bulgarien zugelost.
Das Schweizer Softball Nationalteam hat seine Vorbereitungen mit einem Trainingstag in Therwil am 8. Februar unter der Leitung von Head Coach Jérome Müller gestartet.